Year 2 SATs

Throughout May, Year 2 will sit their SATs assessments. These tests alongside class based work help us to give an end of year result.

SATs Information for Parents.

We have added a list of links to pages that can help pupils practise the skills they need to achieve ARE (Age Related Expectation) at the end of Year 2.

TTRockstars - Fluency with Times Tables is the key to achieving well in all areas of maths.

Numbots - Your child's login details have been sent home.

Topmarks - Great for arithmetic practise.

Education Quizzes - This website provides a range of maths, reading and grammar quizzes that you can complete at home. Each question is marked as you go along so you know how you are doing. If you struggle on a particular area, you can visit one of the other sites mentioned to practise or learn more. 

Oxford Owl - Children can read and listen to stories online matched to their current book band level.

Free Past Papers - On this website you can download all the past SATs papers.



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