Curriculum Overview

The curriculum is the vehicle by which we are able to implement our school’s vision and ethos. At Owston Park Primary Academy, we provide a bespoke, knowledge-rich curriculum informed by research into neuroscience and educational research with the purpose of increasing the quantity and quality of what our children know, enabling them to develop a wealth of knowledge and cultural capital to draw upon and build upon throughout their lives. Our curriculum aims to develop the whole child and provides opportunities for them to widen their experiences and aspirations through a range of activities, both inside and beyond the classroom. The understanding of, and pride in, their locality is of paramount importance.

The impact of our curriculum will be seen not only in measurable attainment and progress, but in that Owston Park Primary Academy’s students are confident, enthusiastic and curious young people, who are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.


Our Curriculum Organisation

Our curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum and our curriculum drivers. Our curriculum journey has been carefully considered and is underpinned by a series of concepts which are revisited in and throughout each key stage. Subject leaders, alongside class teachers, have developed knowledge organisers and disciplinary knowledge progressions for each subject to ensure our curriculum teaches the powerful knowledge which our children need to unlock the world around them. 


   Curriculum organisation pic.PNG


Our Curriculum Themes


Our Curriculum Concepts 

Learning is so much more than just practising skills and remembering knowledge, it's about making connections. Language is the tool that provides us with the ability to comprehend this complex knowledge. We have created a series of concepts, based on Tier 2 vocabulary, which are revisited throughout children's learning journeys.

Click here to download our curriculum update information for parents.

Click here to download our key concepts.

Click here to download our key concepts map.

Click here to download our curriculum drivers.

Click here to download our curriculum rationale.

Click here to download our curriculum coverage map.

Click here to download our curriculum overview.

Click here to download an example of our long-term planning. These are a working document.

Click here to download our curriculum policy.

Click here to download our COVID-19 gaps audit and read our plans for addressing these gaps.


To discover more about our curriculum, please visit the individual curriculum pages to find out about subjects in detail. You can also view the knowledge organisers for each year groups' termly topics by visiting the 'Knowledge Organisers' tab.

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