Overview of Mathematics at OPPA
In Maths, we teach both disciplinary and substantive knowledge. The substantive knowledge is that which we teach as fact and in Maths this is primarily the type of knowledge covered, such as 4 is greater than 3. We also teach a lot of procedural knowledge as part of this, such as how to do long division. However, we also aim to develop disciplinary knowledge through our Maths curriculum, through children using and applying the substantive knowledge that they've learned. Through the depth for all questions, children have the opportunity to reason and problem solve. We ask children to investigate questions such as 'If the answer is x, what is the question? ' which nurture curiosity and encourage the conjecture and problem-solving skills that are crucial to the Mathematics discipline. Meaningful links are made between Mathematics and Science, encouraging the development of disciplinary knowledge in both subjects and encouraging children to apply their specialist Mathematical knowledge to real-world problems. We encourage children to apply Mathematics in the real world, think computationally, and pose the right questions to develop their disciplinary knowledge in Mathematics.
Our calculation policy shows which objectives each year group from years 1-6 cover and the strategies the children will be taught to solve problems. The information starts on page 11 in the document below.
We believe pupils should be encouraged to use Mathematical language and full sentences throughout their Maths learning to deepen their understanding of concepts. The following vocabulary list explains what each word means.
We also use Times Table Rockstars and Numbots to help make all children progress quicker and further. These programs also help with fluency. All children's login information should have been sent home with them. If you have any questions please let us know.
Times Table Rockstars
Numbots - for Year 1
World Maths Day!
We thought about how important Maths is and how we use it every day. We researched jobs that use Maths and struggled to find any that didn't!