At Owston Park we use fun, interactive lessons within school to teach E-Safety to pupils. These lessons are taught through the Common Sense Education currciulum alongside relevant resources from other educational sources. Topics taught in E-Safety lessons include:
Media Balance and Well-Being
Relationships and Communication
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama and Hate Speech
News and Media Literacy
Privacy and Security
Please find more useful information about E-Safety on the E-Safety page of the website and Dojo.
Walksafe (funded by South Yorksire Police) - see the documents below
The UK’s leading personal safety app which aims to help people feel safer while they’re out and about is launching in South Yorkshire.
WalkSafe will help people living in, working in and visiting Sheffield,Doncaster, Rotherham and Barnsley to plan their journeys and nights out in
the safest way.
Live Street Support User Guide