At Owston Park Primary we encourage and celebrate key school values in our pupils. Each week every class teacher in school chooses a child who has shown one of the school values and we celebrate that through an certificate given by Mrs Stinson or Mrs Semley during a whole school celebration assembly.
The school values at Owston Park Primary Academy are:
The learning behaviours at Owston Park Primary Academy are:
Reflect wisely
Learn eagerly
Behave with integrity
Co-operate consistently
Each child deserves to develop into a strong, happy human being, who is in control of their destiny, on the path to achieving their full potential, living a bright extraordinary life defined by tolerance and human dignity.
· To provide an environment in which children can trust and feel safe. We are #TeamOwston – no child left behind.
· To encourage individuals to have a positive attitude, enabling them to be self-motivated and resilient.
· To model and teach respect.
· To support children to be courageous, take risks and try out their ideas.
· To listen to children, in whatever way they choose to communicate to us, and to encourage them to listen to each other - always encouraging an appropriate response.
· To provide deep learning experiences through an equitable curriculum which develops knowledge, skills and aspiration.