Visit the links below to view practical, 'hands on' activities you can complete with your children at home. These range from outdoor education, to baking and craft activities.
P.E, Health and Fitness with Mr J - This link gives you access to all of Mr Johnston's YouTube videos aimed directly at children in KS1 and KS2. You can now work out alongside your P.E Teacher.
BBC Recipes for Children - This site provides a range of child-friendly cooking and baking activities you can complete at home.
100+ Indoor Activites - This link provides a printable list of more than 100 activities which you can print and tick off. These are all simple, fun activities you can do at home with your children for fun.
100 Things to do Indoors - This link provides a downloadable list of 100 things to do if stuck indoors.
30 Day Lego Challenge - This link provides a downloadable sheet with 30 challenges to complete using lego.
50 Things to do before you're 11 and 3/4 - This list has been created by the National Trust and provides a list of fun, outdoor themed activities children can complete.
25 Ideas for Home Education - This link provides a list of 25 fun activities to complete at home. All of the activities are practical and use mostly items usually found around the house.
Cosmic Kids - This site provides a wealth of yoga and mindfulness activities to help children keep active at home.
The Body Coach - This link gives you access to all of the Body Coach's YouTube videos aimed directly at children in KS1 and KS2. Children can work out along with Joe Wicks to keep healthy and active.
Go Noodle! - This site provides videos which children can move along to, to keep active. It is also great for mindfulness. Many KS1 classes use this in school every day already!
Little Sports - This link provides a range of quick, five minute work outs for children to complete at home. Regular breaks between more academic learning is essential.
BBC Super Movers - This site provides active learning videos for children linked to the curriculum.
P.E with Joe Wicks - Please see daily P.E videos of Joe Wicks for children to do daily excercise at home.