


.Science is the study and understanding of the world around us through observation and experimentation


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:Our children say


Our Science subject leader is Miss Dodson.


Miss Dodson says:

"Science is all about exploring similarities and differences in our natural surroundings. A perfect way to do this with young children is to give them first hand experiences. Since I have been a young girl I have loved being outdoors. One of my most fond childhood experiences is making perfumes and potions with mud, sticks, grass and water in my garden. At University I gained my Level 3 Forest School Leader Qualification. Now I have a passion for teaching Early Science at Owston Park Primary in our very own Forest School area. The excitement and awe that the Forest School area gives our children makes it a unique learning experience and makes Early Science fun and memorable. The awe and wonder that Science sparks makes it one of the most fascinating subjects for children. In Biology you can inspire children by looking at what all living things do; in Physics you can study magnetism and be transported back to the times of Isaac Newton when looking at gravity; in Chemistry you can study how chemicals react with each other. All this demonstrates that Science is fun and exciting, whilst learning about the world around us." 


The Science Curriculum at Owston Park

Our Science curriculum aims to teach an understanding of natural phenomena; stimulate a pupil’s curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do and teach methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative and critical thought. Through the Science capital approach, scientific vocabulary will remain as a key focus in Science lessons, as it is a whole-school focus, to reduce barriers to education and build upon the pupils’ scientific capital. To further support this, pupils’ own experiences of Science and their own lines of interest are incorporated into Science lessons. Throughout and within Science lessons, our school seeks to take advantage of opportunities to make cross-curricular links between subjects. Pupils are given the opportunity to practise, apply and refine skills from other subjects, in particular English and Mathematics, within their Science lessons, whilst being able to make reference to similar respective skills and knowledge from Science in other subjects. In Science, pupils learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way Science will affect their future on a personal, national, and global level.




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Working Scientifically Skills:


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Our Science Roadmap:



Snappy Science




During 2021-2022 academic year, we introduced 'Snappy Science' sessions. These short, fast-paced sessions are based on research into retrieval practice, and they focus on developing our working scientifically skills. The sessions provide opportunity for high quality discussion using subject specific terminology and opportunities for children to develop their reasoning and problem solving skills. Each class completes 2 'Snappy Science' sessions per week.

Click here to see what each year group covers in their Snappy Science sessions.




In British Science week KS1 and KS2 had a great time joining in with 'Science Farm Live' sessions. The children explored farm life virtually, learned about animals and jobs on the farm; including farmers and vets. They became change champsions by thinking about sustainability! 


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Y1 have made some animal riddles? Can you read the clue and guess the animal? 


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Take a look at our most recent parent workshop afternoons. 


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Y1 made different types of slime. 


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Y2 built catapults. They then measured how far their catapult could make a pom pom travel. 


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Y3 used chromatography to solve a crime by comparing the separation of mixtures within the culprits pens.


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Y4 investigated how polymers behave in plastic.


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Y6 investigated how different materials conduct electricity and if a lemon or a potato would power a light.


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