Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Gough

Mrs Luke

Mrs Toomey

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page

Class Teachers: Miss Gough and Mrs Luke/Mrs Toomey

Year Group LSA: Mrs Randall 

1:1 LSAs: Miss Mee, Mrs Warren, Mrs Thompson and Mr Sharpe.

6LT have PE on Monday and Thursday        6G have PE on Tuesday and Friday
On PE days, children can come to school wearing their P.E kits. They will also need to bring their water bottles.

We test spellings on: Friday

We test times tables on: Friday

Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practise our times tables and spellings in order to ensure we make the best possible progress during our time in Year 6.

We encourage children to access TTRockstars to help them learn their times tables. We also run weekly TTRockstars sessions in school so all children can access the technology.


To help your child prepare for the SATs tests in May and to further support their learning, we have introduced additional compulsory homework alongside daily reading, times table and spelling practice.  The children will receive two pieces of homework each week, one each for reading and maths. The homework consists of two ten minute tests, therefore the homework will take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. They will be given out each Friday and handed in once complete, but no later than the following Thursday. Each Friday we will mark the homework as a class, discuss answers and test technique for the questions. If homework is not completed, children will stay in on Thursday lunchtime to complete it, so they can participate in the Friday revision session.

Children should not write in the work books and should complete their working out and answers in the exercise books provided. This will allow the books to be used again. 

It is very important that all children attempt the homework, even if they are finding it difficult. If you help them, please initial the question so we can see that they have been supported

Please click the link below to find our SATs information powerpoint.


12th - 15th May 2025

16th - 18th June 2025
Please see the attached Residential booklet below for more information about the trip. 
Hollowford Information Pack

A typical day in Year 6 looks like...

8.20 - 8.55: Morning Work/ Target Time
8.55 - 9.45: English
9.45 - 10.00:  Break Time
10.00 - 11.00: Maths
11.00 - 11.45: Reading
11.45 - 12.00: Maths Meeting
12.00 - 1.00: Lunch
1.00 - 1.15: Silent Reading/ Snappy Science
1.15 - 2.00: Wider Curriculum Lesson
2.00 - 3.00: Wider Curriculum Lesson
3.00 - 3.10: Whole Class Story
3.15: Hometime
(Target time, Same day intervention and Booster sessions all take place during an afternoon.)

Click here to download our Year 6 Overview

Autumn – World War Two 

In English, we study the novel Once by Morris Gleitzman, learning all about Felix, an orphan who escapes from an orphanage to find his mum and dad. We follow his journey as he realises what is happening in Poland and what the Nazis are really doing.  

In History, we start the term learning about life in Germany after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the impact that both this and Great Depression had on the German economy and social classes. We learn about Hitler and what caused the start of the Second World War. After this we study the evacuation, blitz and rationing alongside the impact of war in Britain.  

In Geography we will compare the physical and human differences between North and South America as well as making comparisons with the United Kingdom.

In Science we will be looking at Living Things and Their Habitats and looking at the reproduction of plants and animals.


Spring – Crime and Punishment 

In English, we study the novel Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. We follow Alex as he learns that his uncle was a spy and he is set to follow him in his footsteps, fighting criminals.  

In History, we learn all about the different crimes and punishments throughout history, from the Romans and Medieval period to the Tudors, we then compare these with Modern day.  

In Geography we study Extreme Earth, studying natural disasters. We look at what causes these and the impact which they have on society, as well as studying how communities recover from these disasters.  

In Science we will be looking Evolution and Inheritance; going back to the days of Charles Darwin, to see how we have evolved over time.


Summer – Medicine through Time 

In English, we study the novel Skellig by David Almond. We follow the character as he discovers something strange in the garage of his new home.  

In History, we discover Medicine through the ages, learning about the medical practices of prehistoric civilisations comparing them to different periods of time and the modern day. We understand medieval medicine and the events during the Black Plague, recognising health issues stemmed from poor hygiene. We also learn about the importance of the NHS and the role it has played in British health care. 

In Geography, we will study natural resources, identifying land as being an important natural resource, considering the ways in which it is used, how it has changed and factors limiting the ways it can be used. We will identify some alternative sources of energy production to coal and gas, including a range of clean renewables and explore ways which we can reduce the carbon footprint. 

In Science we will be looking at Light and Electricity, at times linking the two together, but also looking at natural light. This topic links well with our Geography, as we can consider different forms of energy.


Our learning in Year 6 so far!



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