Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Burtoft

Miss Gibson

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page

Our Year 5 Class Teachers are:

Mrs Burtoft (5B) and Miss Gibson (5G).

Our LSA is Mrs Crowe.

Our 1:1s are:  Mrs Kerrigher, Mrs Kirkham, Miss Joblin, Mrs Clarke and Miss Halliday.

5B have PE on: Thursday.

5G have PE on: Tuesday and Friday.

We test spellings on a Friday.

We test times tables once a week. 


Our homework is to read to an adult at home 5 times per week and practise our times tables and spellings in order to ensure we make the best possible progress during our time in Year 5. 

We encourage children to access TTRockstars to help them learn their times tables. We also run weekly TTRockstars sessions in school.


Click here to download our long term plan.

A typical day in Year 5 looks like...

8.20 - Starter of the Day

8:50 - 9.45 - English

9.45 - 10.00 - Break Time

10.00 - 11.00 - Maths

11.00 - 11.45 - Reading

11:45 - 12:00 - Maths Meeting

12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch

1.00 - 2.45 - Wider Curriculum Lesson

2.45 - 3.00 - High Quality Class Reading


Autumn Term

History - The Victorians

Geography - Map Skills

Science - Living things and their habitats

Science - Animals, including humans

Music - Learning to play the recorder using standard notation

Art - Art Nouveau

DT – Sewing


Spring Term

History - Our Local Area (Doncaster and Mining)

Geography - Doncaster and the UK

Science -  Forces

Art - Industrial Artists 

DT - Mechanisms


Summer Term

History - The Windrush

Geography – Trade and famous explorers

Science - Properties and changes of materials 

Science - Space

Art - Renaissance and Baroque (Drawing and Painting Portraits) 

DT - Cooking and Nurtrition


Our Learning Journey so far...

2024 - 2025

Autumn Term 2024



In DT we desinged and created our own robin baubles. We learnt how to complete a variety of different sewing techniques from back stitch, blanket stitch and running stitch. We had great fun being able to test our sewing skills when creating the final product. 

Year 5: Calendar items

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