Year 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Turker

Mrs Spiby-Wilson

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page


Our Year 3 teachers are:

Mrs Spiby-Wilson (3SW) and Miss Turker (3T)


Our Year 3 LSA is Mrs Sharef.


Our 1:1 SEN LSAs across the year group are: Mrs Howley, Mrs Lambie and Mrs Spencer.


3SW do PE on: Monday             3T do PE on: Wednesday


We test spellings on: Friday

We test times tables on: Thursday and Friday

Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practise our times tables and spellings in order to ensure we make the best possible progress during our time in Year 3.

We encourage children to access TTRockstars to help them learn and practice their times tables at home. 


A typical day in Year 3 looks like...

8.20 - Starter of the Day 

8.40 - 9.45 - English

9.45 - 10.00 - Break Time

10.00 - 11.00 - Maths

11.00 - 11.45 - Reading

11.45 - 12.00 - Maths Meeting

12.00 - 1.00 - Lunch

1.00 - 1.15 - Science Meeting/Silent Reading

1.15 - 1.30 - Handwriting/Spelling Practise

1.30 - 2.45 - Wider Curriculum Lesson

2.45 - 3.00 - Whole Class Reading


Click here to download our yearly plan.


Our topics in Year 3

Autumn (Stone Age)

Our Autumn topic is the Stone Age. We explore the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age periods. We look at what made these periods in history special exploring the discoveries and inventions. We look at what cave men were really like and discover what it would have been like to live in those times. We examine the types of homes people used to live in, what they ate and how they farmed. We also learn why historical artefacts are important and how we can use them to help us discover information about the past.

Spring (Ancient Greece)

Our Spring topic is Ancient Greece. We develop our geographical skills by locating Greece on a world map and discuss the countries and oceans surrounding it. We look at and explore the lifestyles of Ancient Greek adults and children and compare them to modern day. We also compare Ancient Greek life to modern day life and discuss the similarities and the differences. We look at Ancient Greek artefacts and understand why they are so important to our historical knowledge and what we can learn from pottery, etc. We learn about the Greek gods and goddesses and Greek mythology.

Summer (Anceint Egypt)

Our Summer topic is Ancient Egypt. We develop our geographical skills by locating Egypt on a world map and discuss the countries and oceans surrounding it. We look at and explore the lifestyles of Ancient Egyptian adults and children and compare them to the modern day. We discuss the similarities and differences between Ancient Egyptian life and modern day life. We learn about Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses, their beliefs in the afterlife, mummification and the famous pyramids.


Our learning in Year 3 so far...

Year 3: Calendar items

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