Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hiblin
Miss Crossley
Welcome to the Year 2 Page
Our Year 2 teachers are:
Mrs Hiblin (2H) and Miss Crossley (2C)
Our Year 2 LSA is Miss Smith
Important Information
2C PE: Tuesday 2H PE: Friday
Children can come to school in their PE kit on these days.
Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practise our times tables and spellings in order to ensure we make the best possible progress during our time in Year 2. To record your child's reading, please fill in their reading record.
2C test times tables on: Monday
2H test times tables on: Tuesday
We test spellings on: Friday
A typical day in Year 2 looks like...
8.20 - Starter of the Day
8.40 - 9.30 - English
9.30 - 9.45 - Maths Meeting
9.45 - 10.00 - Break Time
10.00 - 11.00 - Maths
11.00 - 11.45 - RWI
11.45 - 12.45 - Lunch
12.45 - 1.00 - Science Meetings or Intervention
1.00 - 1.20 - Handwriting
1.20 - 2.30 - Wider Curriculum Lesson
2.30 - 3.00 - High Quality Class Reading
Click here to download our yearly overview
Intrepid Explorers:

Our first topic is Intrepid Explorers! We will be learning all about the continents of the world in geography, and the explorers who've been there in history! In art, we will learn about colour and texture, and in music, we learn about the different types of instruments. After half term, we learn more about the Polar regions, including the explorer Captain Robert Falcon Scott, and we learn about how animals are adapted to survive in cold places. Please see the Knowledge Organiser section of the website to discover what your child will learn during this topic.
Into The Woods:

In Spring, our topic is Into The Woods. We learn all about different plants and their lifecycles in Science, and we spend lots of our time in Forest School! In history we learn all abouts castles, and in geography we learn about the physical features of land, as well as developing our fieldwork skills. We even visit a local castle! In DT, we create our puppets based on a fairytale character. Don't forget to have a look at the Knowledge Organiser section of the website to find out more about this topic!
Beside The Seaside:

In Summer, our topic is 'Beside the Seaside!'. We learn about The Victorian era, and their seaside holidays. We even go on a trip to the seaside to experience it for ourselves! In geography, we learn all about how seasides are different to Doncaster, and we also think about the things that they have in common. In Science, we learn about the different animals who live in coastal habitats, and we also think about the effect that humans have on coastal areas, inspired by the book A Planet Full Of Plastic by Neal Hayton. See our knowledge organsiers for this topic to find out more!
Our Learning Journey so far...
2024 - 2025
Intrepid Explorers - Autumn Term
We love our weekly library sessions. We read a range of fiction and non fiction texts, role play traditional stories and tell our own stories using the story spoons.
We received a special parcel today all the way from Antartica! It was a mysterious egg! What could it be?
In History we loved learning about the Titanic. We received a ticket to board the unsinkable ship and experience a dinner in First, Second or Third Class. Which do you think we prefered?
We worked as a team to order the key events of the night the Titanic sank and then retold the tragic event of the sinking using play-doh.
In Science we planned and carried out an investigation to test the absorbancy of different materials.
In Art this half term we are investigating and imitating abstract art. We started off by investigating tints and shades using the primary colours.
We then thought about how colours can convey emotions.
In our Computing lessons we have been learning about coding. We have learnt to use key press events and have investigated input and out put devices.
We had a spooktacula time on our Halloween Party Day.
We are getting really fast on TTRS now!
In DT we are designing and making our own hand puppets. We practised over stitch and running stitch.
We the designed and made our own Arctic animal hand puppet.
In maths, we have investigated a range of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
We had a great day in our Titanic workshop with One Day Creative!
We celebrated our differences on Odd Sock Day 2024.
We enjoyed finding out all about different religions during our R.E Drop Down Days.
In Science we have investigated Polar Animals. We learnt about the life cycle of an Emperor Penguin and how the animals adapt to their cold habitat. We used Rainbow Writing to write down everything we knew.
We loved Christmas Eve at school. Hot chocolate, cookies, pjs and a Christmas film.
Into the Woods - Spring Term
This half term we are learning about multiplication and division.
In Science we are learning all about plants. We are using hydroponics to grown beans!
We had a great R.E Drop Down day learning all about Sikhism. Ask us about the Five Ks.
We are continuing our computing lessons on coding. We learnt about icons and buttons and added them to our code.
In Art this half term we are learning abou natural art and sculptures. We are learning about Andy Goldsworthy and will be working with artist James Brunt! We looked at the patterns on leaves and designed our own leaf prints.
We had an amazing time creating land art and natural sculptures with James Brunt.
In History we have been learning about the Battle of Hastings. We asked William the Conqueror why he built the first castles and sorted the reasons.
In Geography we recapped on what we know about the UK. Then we learnt about human and physical features of land.
We were learning about seed dispersal in science this week. We investigated dispersal by exploding, wind and gravity! Then we made our own gyrocopters to replicate how sycamore seeds fall from the tree.
We then thought about how we could classify the seeds based on their characteristics.
During our unit on shape, we learnt the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes, investigated right angles and lines of symmetry and named the 2D shapes on the faces of 3D shapes.
We had a visit from Lance Corporal Woodward! He told us all about his job protecting the King, our country and all of us.
Our Maths unit this half term is fractions.
We have loved Careers Week 2025! We started the week by brainstorming as many careers as we could think of. We then thought about what we would like to do as a job and which personnal skills we might need to do it.
We chose to research being a Farmer as our career to focus on. We used Rainbow Writing to think of questions we would like to ask Farmer Booth.
We joined a live session with LEAF Farming, enjoying a story with farmer Sam and then virtually touring his Dairy Farm.