Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Scarfe

Mrs Brook

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page

1B Teacher - Mrs Brook

1S Teacher - Miss Scarfe

Year Group LSA - Mrs Skitt

1:1 LSA - Mrs Pickering, Mrs Dickerson and Miss Allen


Important Info:

1S do PE on: Thursday                                                           1B do PE on: Wednesday

      1S test spellings on: Thursday                                               1B test spellings on: Tuesday 



Children can come to school in their P.E kits on their designated days.

Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and practice our spellings in order to ensure we make the best possible progress during our time in Year 1. 


A typical day in Year 1 looks likes...

8.20 - Children come into school

8.20 - 8.30 - Morning Task

8.30 - Register

8.40 - 9.45 - English/Pathways

9.45 - 10.00 - Break time

10.00 - 11.00 - Maths

11.00 - 11.45 - RWI

11.45 - 12.45 - Lunch

12.45 - 1.00 - RWI Speed Sounds 

1.00 - 1.15 - Maths Meeting   

1.15 - 3.00 - Wider Curriculum Lessons


You can download our yearly planning overview here.



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This is Me! 

This term our topic is 'This is Me!’ where we will be learning about ourselves, our family and where we live. We will be exploring and learning about:

-Our local area in Geography.

-The History of the local area and how it has changed.

-Our body parts, senses and how we grow and change in Science.

- Singing and using our voices in Music.

-How to make a vehicle, joining axles, chassis and wheels in DT.

-Drawing self portraits and the artwork of artist Paul Klee in Art.

-How to keep safe online.

-Following and creating simple algorithms and programs in computing.

-Different ways to keep ourselves safe and be independent in Life Skills.

-Families and friendships and how we show respect to others.



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Time Machine

This term our topic is ‘Time Machine’ and we will be taking a walk through History! Spring 1 we will be looking at the Great Fire of London and the importance of Samuel Pepyes and his diary. Then in Spring 2 we will meet the dinosaurs and explore the famous discoveries of Mary Anning! We will be exploring and learning about:

-The countries and capital cities of the UK, especially London and its landmarks, in Geography.

-The structure of plants and classifying animals in Science.

-Music from different genres and the different instrument groups.

-How to make a dinosaur bone using Modroc in DT.

-How to create silhouette art of the Great Fire of London.

-How to keep safe online.

-Following and creating simple algorithms and programs then using a range of programs to create digital content in computing.

-How to be a responsible citizen in Life Skills. 

-The importance of being a member of the local community in PSHE.



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Trains, Planes and Automobiles

This term our topic is ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles’. We will be looking at how transport has changed over time and the achievements of Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. Are you ready to travel on this adventure!? We will be exploring and learning about:

-The 7 continents and 5 oceans then completing a comparison study with Africa in Geography.

-Materials and their properties in Science.

-Creating music in different ways and exploring music from Africa.

-Making a fruit kebab using our new food prepartion skills in DT.

-African art and pattern.

-How to keep safe online.

-Producing digital content using a range of programs in computing.

-Cooking skills and nutrition as well as understanding money in Life Skills.

-Physical and mental health and dealing with change in PSHE.


Our learning this year so far...

The children using their knowledge of colour to complete their own Scenario artwork by Paul Klee.

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 The children using their musical skills to play the glockenspiel.    

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The children enjoying the forest school and finding the broom from our class text 'Room on a Broom'.

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Making our own plant collages as part of our Science lessons.

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Trialling different methods in Art, to see which will be most effective for our final piece.

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