Reception 2024 - 2025
Miss Reason
Miss Dodson
Welcome to the Reception Class Page
Meet the Team!
Red Class Teacher - Miss Dodson
Blue Class Teacher - Miss Reason
Class LSAs - Miss Smith and Mrs Scott
1:1 LSA - Mrs Cook
Miss Dodson 
Miss Reason
Our daily homework is to read to an adult at home and watch the daily phonics video sent on Class Dojo. We send reading books home each day. Please write a comment in your child's reading diary each time they read and return to school daily.
Our PE and Forest School day is Friday. Suitable clothing and footwear will be needed.
Our EYFS Curricular Goals
Our curricular goals provide a stimulus to enhance the children's imagination, creativity and curiosity in Reception. We follow children's interests and plan various enhancements to the continuous provision that enable children to develop the skills required to achieve the EYFS milestones.
Our Learning in Reception
We teach phonics through formal Read Write Inc. sessions and Maths through maths mastery sessions. We enhance the learning environment with activities to support children's next steps. We like to explore the learning environment inside and outside in our independent learning time. We go outdoors in all weathers!
Take a look at our fantastic learning environment...
'Forest Friday!'
We go into the Forest School area every Friday. We wrap up warm and wear sensible shoes and waterproof coats. Each week we complete exciting activities in the Forest School. These activities promote our resilience, problem solving and team work skills. Visit our Class Dojo page to follow our Forest School learning journey.
Some examples of the activities we have completed in our forest school sessions:
We explored the Forest school. We worked collaboratively in our different areas.
We enjoyed making "potions" in our mud kitchen.
We read the story 'We're going on a leaf hunt!" We discussed the different signs of Autumn and we went on our very own leaf hunts using non-fiction books to find Autumn facts.
We read the story 'Hovis the hedgehog'. We talked about hibernation and nocturnal animals. We talked about ways to look after woodland animals and keep them safe. We went litter picking and made safe habitats for small animals.
On National Poetry Day we listened to 'The Jungle Boogie' and 'Rumble in the Jungle'. We made our own poems and used instruments to perform these. We made crowns and made dances to go with our poems!
We made dens and homes for animals.
We wrote letters to the fairies and left them near the fairy doors.
We searched for signs of the Gruffalo and made our own Gruffalo crumble using natural materials.
We used the gardening equipment to take care of our environment.
We planted christmas trees and discussed what trees need to grow.
We made our own bug hotels using crates and natural materials. We talked about what mini-beasts need to survive.
We explored logs and branches in the area by balancing and climbing on them. We talked about the risks and challenges this involved.
Our learning journey so far...